Feeding Britain: Meals and More report Summer 2022

“Can I come every day” - Emma, aged 8


Meals and More generously awarded Feeding Britain funding for holiday clubs across Leicester, Barnsley and South Shields during Summer 2022. These holiday clubs offered programmes of fun activities and nutritious food for children and families on low incomes. The clubs reached 11,337 children and 524 adults and served 17,724 meals including 300 food parcels to families that are struggling to make ends meet.


Meals and More also supported three clubs in Barnsley to offer Big Days Out during the summer holidays. These trips included a girls football club who were able to take their group to a Women’s Euros match in Rotherham. Another group, who work with a high proportion of children with special educational needs and disabilities, were able to offer families a trip to the beach and to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

These quotes demonstrate the impact of this funding:

-        Child, aged 9 - “If we didn’t have the food at the playground we would have to wait until about 6.30 at night to get food. Sometimes my mum gives us some money but we can only get chips, the food at the playground is much better and its healthy”

-        Child, aged 10 - “We went to Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I’ve never been before. It was brilliant. We had a big packed lunch and we did a competition with our phones for the best photo and I won with my photo of a lion's head.”

-        Child, aged 5 - “it's better than school, I like to play with my friends”

-        Parent - “I don’t know how I could have got through the holiday without you”

-        Grandparent - “thank you so much for this, I look after my granddaughter 3 days a week so her mum and dad can work. It’s exhausting as she has so much energy when she comes to you it just gives me those few hours off. Her mum and dad both really need to work so I don’t want to tell them I can’t manage”

-        Holiday club staff member - “We have had a family of 3 registered with us and they always come into the setting hungry or with bags of sweets from the local shop, they are always first to ask when the lunches are coming out and always come back for seconds the team have been so pleased that with the help of Meals and More and Feeding Britain we have been able to provide this for them every day while their not at school getting a meal, we have also allowed them to take fruit and left over lunches home for their siblings who are not old enough to attend.”


Nga Bui